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Contact us

Answers to more general queries, such as clinic locations, can be found on this website. You can also book and manage appointments via your Personal Health Record. See about your Personal Health Record for more information, including how to register.

Main phone line

Tel: 01865 231231

The line is open:

  • Monday 09:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16:00
  • Tuesday 09:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16:00
  • Wednesday – Closed
  • Thursday 10:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16:00
  • Friday 09:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 15:30
  • Closed bank holidays

The receptionist will need to ask you a few questions, to confirm your identity and about the reason for phone call, so that your query is directed to the right place. Please note that abusive behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated.

If you are hard of hearing, deaf or speech impaired and have difficulty in contacting us by telephone, Relay UK provides assistance. How to use Relay UK

Calling for test results? Please see test results for information on when to call us / how to get your results.

Banbury clinic

We no longer have a separate number for our Banbury clinic. All calls are now being dealt with by our reception team on the main phone line (above). Please do not call Orchard Health Centre as the staff there will be unable to help with sexual health appointments and queries.

Condoms by post

Under 25s who live in Oxfordshire can get condoms through the post as part of the C-Card Scheme.

HIV pharmacists

Tel: 01865 225117 (there is an answer machine, please leave a message including your full name and contact details and they will contact you)

Terrence Higgins Trust Outreach Team

Tel: 07741 324909

Advice out of hours

Advice can be obtained by visiting the NHS website or calling 111.

Advice for professionals

Are you a professional seeking advice on a patient, information on how to make a referral or wanting to book onto a training course? View our section for professionals.

Concerns and complaints

Oxfordshire Sexual Health Service is committed to providing the very highest standards of care.

If you feel there are aspects of our service that could be delivered better, please let us know – we value your feedback.

Raising concerns

If you have a concern about your care or treatment, or about any of our services, please talk to the member of staff who is with you at the time. They will be as helpful as possible and may be able to resolve your concerns straight away. If it is not possible to resolve your concerns immediately, we will respond by letter. Alternatively, we may be able to offer a face-to-face meeting.

You can also contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service for immediate help, advice and support.

Making a complaint

Oxfordshire Sexual Health Service is part of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH). View the OUH complaints process